Quote from rxcardbroker on March 24, 2020, 9:28 pm
Save up to 80% on your prescriptions!!!
During this unprecedented time it’s more important than ever that people have the medications they need at the lowest possible price.When using a CharityRx discount card at the pharmacy you can save up to 80% on prescriptions! Often times the price with CharityRx even beats insurance co-pays. Right now, with every prescription discounted CharityRx is giving a donation to provide vital PPE (personal protective equipment) for our brave doctors and nurses that are fighting this pandemic.To use any of our discount cards, just save the image on rxcardbroker home page (or screenshot it).Then, the next time you're picking up your prescription just show any pharmacy staff the image of the card. They will know what to do! Easy!
Save up to 80% on your prescriptions!!!